Best of 2023

New acts, mimicking bygone glories. Sure, they ape the past, mistaking nostalgia for innovation but do so deliciously.
Slow Pulp — Yard
1994-ish fuzzbox angsty pop bliss. Perfectly crafted as they do on all their prior LPs. New obsession.
Pynch — Howling at a Concrete Moon
Move over Jarvis. East London malaise never sounded so good.
Launder — Happening
Picking up where Secret Shine left off, this dreampop gem shimmers with a mix of everything circa 1991
Slowdive — everything is alive
Art by artists. Proving doubters wrong, you can make your greatest work late in your career. Their best LP ever and rightfully deserve to be huge.
Nation of Language — Strange Disciple
Recipes remixed repackaged to perfection. Dance dance dance…
Hyrdroplane — Selected Songs 1997–2003
September in London, I stumbling into the World of Echo and to my surprise find this diamond newly pressed!
Romy — Mid Air
Usually not my cuppa but this LP is club catharsis from a familiar voice. Sad, hopeful, and resilient.
The Clientele — I am not there anymore
Is there anything more romantic? Andalucian strings soaking up the sad London streets.
MJ Lendermen — And the Wind (live and loose)
Gobsmacked — so good! Indierock is back. The lyrics. The licks. Its all very funny the way that twang hits you when you’re hungover.